Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Growing Large Fruit like the Stores Sell

Guidelines on how to Ensure that Your Fruit Tree Bears Large Juicy Fruit

For many beginners at fruit tree growing, the biggest disappointment is that their first crop of fruit is mostly composed of small fruit instead of the nice large plump fruit seen in the local greengrocers. This is frequently upsetting for those new to fruit tree growing, and can often deter them from making any further efforts in this direction. If this applies to you, relax, it isn't your fault, it is quite natural for this to happen. If you want those large juicy fruits you CAN have them without genetic engineering or non-organic fertilizers. Its not magic, it just needs a little experience and some advanced fruit growing tips and techniques.

Most experts start by doing something known as 'fruit thinning' when the tree is still quite young. Basically, what you do is remove some of the fruit before it grows, which, at least in theory allows the fruit tree to channel all its energy into the fruits that remain. This should encourage larger fruit instead of those little tiny ones that you are wanting to avoid. Most expert fruit growers advocate removing about a third of the early fruit to ensure the remaining two-thirds grow large.

The second fruit growing tip is 'fruit spacing'. For most fruit trees, whether apple, pear, orange or lemon, the health and size of each fruit is heavily dependant on how far away it is from the next nearest fruit. When you are removing the baby fruit, in the fruit thinning process mentioned above, try to ensure that each fruit is at least 6 inches away from the adjacent fruit. Although it might look good when you friends come round, having a tree that is loaded with fruit is NOT the best way to encourage large fruit!

It is not always the case that small fruit is down to something under the orchard owners control. If there is a sudden snap of cold weather during the early growth process this can disrupt the fruit's cell division, which in turn, can lead to smaller fruit. Even a lack of sunlight, say, due to a few dull days at a crucial period, can reduce growth as it limits the fruit trees supply of food to the fruit. The obvious weather problem is a lack of water, and a keen grower will keep a good eye on this and ensure that his tree gets sufficient water even in times of drought. If your tree is subject to disease or pest infestation, this may also cause a small fruit problem, in which case, if you spot it early enough, some extra fruit thinning might help. When of these things happen together it can cause the fruit to drop from the fruit tree before it is full ripe.

Even the best fruit growers continue to build their expertise by experimentation, and you should be no different. If your tree is fully grown and hardy, you can pretty much do any degree of thinning that you wish without causing it any permanent harm. go tot he library and read any books you can on your chosen fruit tree. Ask advice from friends and colleagues, paying particular attention to those that have first hand experience. If you keep an open mind, and practice and experiment in a controlled manner, you will soon be producing fruit that is as big, or even bigger, than the commercially grown crops.

Roger is a content contributor for: 'recipe-ideas', which offers amateur chefs a selection of cranberry recipes for you to prepare at home.

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