Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fruits For Diabetes - What Are Recommended For Diabetics?

Fruits play a pivotal role in the discussion whether diabetics eat fruits or not. Though it is argued on both extremes, it is rather a myth that the diabetics should not consume fruits. Many diabetics fall a prey to such exaggeration and their condition is deteriorated to the worst. Indeed, 'Fruits for Diabetes' is a good concept as many fruits have nutritional values with Vitamins and Minerals that are required to build up a healthy body. So, a diabetic should have a meal plan including some fruits.

Why should a diabetic eat fruits?

I choose to explain here what type of fruits a diabetic should eat rather than produce you a list of fruits to go for searching. Be sure, there are no such fruits that the diabetics should keep off in total. There are some light and non-greasy fruits that can work well for diabetics in controlling blood glucose. But a diabetic victim should abstain from consuming foods including fruits that are rich in fats and cholesterol. There are fruits rich in fiber needed to control blood sugar in the bloodstream. The dietary fiber promotes easy digestion and conversion of glucose into energy.

Fruits to eat and fruits to avoid:

A diabetic is certainly forbidden from eating fruits that are high in carbohydrates and sugar. Sugary fruits may be consumed in very small servings instead of avoiding completely. Fruit juices and concentrates which do not contain dietary fiber are to be substituted with whole fruits. Fresh fruits are preferred than those stored in freezers. If the fruits are unpeeled and half-ripened, the beneficial effects of eating such fruits are doubled for controlling blood sugar levels. The sweeteners and syrups added with juices do elevate the blood sugar steeply. Here is a small list of fruits of three categories:

Eat these fruits: Citrus fruits such as oranges, sweet lime, red grapes, or olives.

Avoid these fruits: Mango, banana, chikoo, guava, and custard apple.

Must eat these fruits: Grape fruits, apple, pomegranate, and jambul

If you are decided to eat fruits, they can be had from the market. Be sure that the fruits will work well if they are fresh. However, fruits for diabetes cannot be the case to make it complete for diabetes control. A diabetic needs to eat green vegetables also in plenty.

Controlling blood sugar is really an art. If you want to be an expert and safe, you should know the description of diabetes foods to eat AND diabetes foods to avoid.

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