Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Great Nutritional Facts and Other Good Qualities and Functions of Fruits

Fruits follow the blooming of the healthy plants like trees, shrubs and vines. They carry the seeds from which new generation of fruit-bearing plants will grow in favorable conditions. One of the best ways to enjoy these nature's perfect gifts is - to eat them fresh and alone (without combining them with other foods or even eating them on top of other foods) since they are digested and utilized more rapidly than other foods. The only exemption seems to be citrus fruits, combined with nuts. Citrus' high level of acid assists the digestion of fats in nuts.

The most important positive qualities and roles of fruits are listed below:

fruits have a very valuable natural nutrient content (most of them are abundant in vitamins A and C, some Bs and E in seeds; they are also rich in minerals: calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese and some others) which may help to make our immune system stronger
fruits may have cooling and calming effect on the body and nervous system which helps reducing stress
organic fruits are natural and healthy
most fruits are juicy (high in water content, similar to that of the water content in human body); fresh and natural fruit juices are higher in vitamins and minerals than most other drinks available, they have cleansing effect and aid elimination
fruits are high in natural sugars (that makes them good substitute for highly caloric and nutrient-blank sweets which can become foundation for many health problems, so wide-spread in Western societies)
fruits are low in fat, calories and sodium
fruits are also known to be high in fiber
almost any fruit can be dried and preserved that way for a longer period of time
nature's perfect foods - fruits are in addition vibrant in colors, they taste sweet and sometimes even have crunchy texture

Fruits are at times also classified as:

sweet: dried fruits like apricots, bananas, figs, raisins, prunes etc.
subacid: juicy fresh fruits like apples, apricots, cherries, grapes, mangoes, papayas, peaches, pears, plums and others
acid: several berries, citrus fruits, pineapples and pomegranates. Their high level of acid aids the digestion of fats.

Every kind of fruit should be eaten when fully ripe in view of the fact that unripe fruits can be quite aggravating.

Take into account that on many, especially tropical fruits, different chemicals are used to keep the insects away for the duration of shipping or to speed up the ripening. Therefore, cleaning/washing (in particular) the store-bought fruits thoroughly (before eating them) is very important!

According to Dr. Elson M. Haas, "A diet of only fruit and vegetables for a week or two is a good way to realkalinize our body and blood, which aids detoxification and lowers blood fats."

Dried fruits lose most of their water content during the process of drying. At the same time, the sugar content becomes concentrated. Eating too much of dry fruit might cause constipation. Hence, the best way to enjoy dried fruits is to rehydrate them in some clean, fresh water.

D. Perse is a wellbeing enthusiast. Find out more about healthy weight loss at

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