Monday, July 18, 2011

Dealing With Fruit Allergies - Important Facts You Must Know

Fruits are very important in a diet as they supply all the vitamins, minerals and fiber that the body needs to maintain strength and health. But not everyone is able to consume fruit as some people find that taking fruits can cause allergic reactions in their bodies. The allergic reactions which fruits cause can be easily recognized and it is always quite easy to say which fruit is allergic to a person. So once the fruit is identified as causing an allergy the person can best avoid the fruit.

Oral allergy syndrome is very common to fruit allergies as consuming a certain fruit will cause swellings in certain parts like the tongue, mouth, lips and throat etc. The moment the fruit comes into contact with our mouth or lips they begin to burn or swell.

This syndrome is not restricted to fruits alone but also vegetables. Many people display the same allergic symptoms when they eat certain vegetables. This is caused by the chemical reactions which take place between the pollens and proteins. It is common that people who have fruit allergies are also allergic to pollens. Only when the fruits and vegetables are eaten fresh do they cause allergies in people not when they are cooked and eaten. This is because the pollens and proteins which are present get destroyed when cooked.

Some of the other symptoms which fruit allergies cause are skin irritations, redness and rashes or hives. Sometimes due to fruit allergies the blood pressure can also drop drastically cutting off oxygen supply to the brain. The mouth throat and airways begin to swell restricting air to the lungs and this leaves the person gasping for breath which in turn leads to death.

We sometimes notice that only certain classes of fruits tend to cause allergies to us. Like for instance if we are allergic to rag weed then we will find that when we eat fruits like bananas, and melons like watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew will also cause allergy reactions.

In the case of Birch tree allergy you will find certain fruits like apples, pears, cherries, kiwi and stone fruit which are more likely to cause allergies also. Certain other fruits like lemons, oranges limes and grapefruit which belong to the citrus variety can also cause allergies. This is mainly due to the acidic nature of the citrus fruits which cause allergic reactions.

The best way to avoid fruit allergies is not to eat those fruits so that all that rashes, swelling and skin irritations can be avoided. There are people who have become resistant to fruit allergies because of the allergy injections which they have taken. Though there is another option which is to have the fruits cooked and eaten to avoid allergic reactions in your body.

Abhishek has got some great Allergy Relief Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 54 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Allergies!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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