Friday, July 22, 2011

Preserved and Dried Fruit Vs Fresh Fruit Nutrition

If you're choosing, would you rather have raisins, or fresh grapes? It may be surprising for you to learn that there are differences between dried fruits and fresh fruits.

Produce departments in most areas are filling up with berries and cherries, and they generally look more appealing than dried fruit. But some people, nutritionists say, prefer dried fruits.

One registered dietitian has said that dried fruit doesn't have to be washed or prepared or peeled, which makes it easier to serve, especially to children.

Dried food is easier to handle and pack, and it's non-perishable and portable, but it can contain more calories when you compare it with fresh fruit. Nutrition values also can change, depending on how the dried fruit is prepared.

Nutritional experts say that because of the water used in keeping fresh produce fresh, they can help to fill up your stomach more, and you'll get more fruit nutrition with fewer calories consumed.

Fresh fruits are naturally rich in fiber, potassium, folate and vitamins C and A. Dried fruits have health benefits as well, but the process of drying the fruit can leach some of the nutrients from it.

Nevertheless, dietitians will tell you that dried and fresh fruits can each play a role in helping to satisfy your sweet tooth. This helps you to combat obesity, and the dried varieties make it easier to get your four fruit nutrition servings each day.

Researchers have discovered that when you dry blueberries, they actually become richer in antioxidants by four times over fresh blueberries. But drying processes can cause nutrients to be lost, and sometimes there will be sugar added as well. So most nutritional experts believe that fresh fruit is better for you, nutritionally.

Pretreatments that take place before the drying process, which include adding sulfur dioxide, can help to protect some of the nutrients, while at the same time degrading others. The sulfur dioxide preserves vitamins C and A, but destroys thiamine. Oftentimes, vegetables or fruits are steamed, or boiled briefly before they are dried, to help speed the drying process up and to kill microorganisms. This preserves thiamine and carotene but it causes a loss of vitamin C. Exposure to oxygen and light during the drying process can also degrade nutrients even further.

Drying with high heat can reduce the effective level of protein that your body gets from the food you eat. The protein is still there, but not as easily absorbed by your body. Fruit nutrition changes with the drying process, while it helps some nutrients and degrades others. The intensity of the drying process, depending on the fruit involved, will have various effects on the fruit you will eventually eat. Some of the effects are good, some not so good, and some parts of the dietary nutrition in fruits does not change appreciably when dried.

On the positive side, dried fruit has other benefits besides increased antioxidants. It is high in fiber, so it can be helpful in controlling diabetes, lowering blood cholesterol and helping to relieve constipation. Dried fruit is also a lot healthier than sugary snacks. And it's a quick energy source for athletes.

So... dried fruit is better in some ways and worse in others, as far as fruit nutrition statistics go. Eat dried fruits for snacks, but remember to include four servings of fresh fruit in your diet a day.

Learn about daphne plant, elder tree and other information at the Gardening Central site.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is Canned Fruit Healthier Than Fresh Fruit?

Canned and fresh fruit are both very nutritious. Fresh fruit contains more fibre than canned fruit. Canned fruit often contains added sugars. These additives assist in not only preserving the fruit's texture and freshness, but enhancing the fruit's flavours so that the canned equivalent can more readily compare with its more expensive fresh counterparts - even in the off season months.

What Is With The Added Sugars?

Canned fruits contain added sugars. If these sugars were not added, the quality of the fruit would not be compromised, in terms of nutrition. The texture would be softer and the natural colours would fade. Companies tend to market what people want to buy -- people buy canned fruit as it requires little preparation, tastes sweet, and looks presentable. Without sugar, none of these criteria would be met.

If you are on a diet that suggests as little added sugar as possible, I would recommend buying fresh fruit.

What Happened To My Fibres?

Fruit out of a can will always contain fewer fibres than fresh fruit. This is because the skin is taken off the fruit before being canned, in order to allow for the fruit to be preserved for longer. Fibres are a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by our bodies. They lower your chances of symptoms including but not limited to: heart disease, diabetes, and gastrointestinal maladies. If you have got a higher chance than the average of getting the diseases listed above, fresh produce would be more beneficial to you, but that does not mean to say that canned fruit would harm you.

Get On With It! How Fresh Is My Fruit?

A lot of nutritional value is lost if the fruit you consume is not fresh. I am pretty certain that what I am about to tell you will come as a surprise. Canned fruit, despite being older in age, is on a general basis fresher than "fresh" fruit. Canned fruit is picked when at its ripest, and packaged shortly thereafter.

This in theory makes canned fruit more fresh than fresh produce, but fresh produce in most circumstances contains more nutritional value (canned fruit is processed). When you next visit the store, keep an eye out for cans of fruit that are preserved in their own juices and water. This is a much healthier alternative, when compared with fruit preserved in high fructose corn syrup.

Fresh or canned, fruit is healthy. Which is most healthy is relative to your dieting needs. A firm answer cannot be given to answer the presented question, so I will leave it in your hands to make an informed decision.

You now know enough to decide whether you should be eating canned or fresh fruit, but do you yet know what types of fruit you should be eating? Head on over to fruit nutrition facts and we'll tell you.

Learn all about the healthiest available fruits over at, I'd love to keep that surprised look on your face.

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Fruit Nutritional Facts, Nature's Natural Medicine

Fruits are packed with vitamins, anti oxidants and minerals as well as phyto nutrients and fruits are one of nature's natural medicines. There is nothing more pleasing to the eye than a bowl of colourful fruit on the table. Here are some fruit nutritional facts and why we should eat fresh fruit daily.

Fresh fruits contain simple sugars and are low in fats and calories fruit also provides the body with numerous soluble vitamins and digestible and soluble dietary fiber. Fruit can be eaten to relieve constipation and can also help lower cholesterol levels. Most fruits especially berries are filled with vitamin C, flavonoids and poly phenol which are all powerful anti oxidants.

These fruit nutritional facts have been scientifically proved to boost the immune system which fights off illness and protects us from diseases and various types of malignant cancers. It has also been proved that fruit contains a far higher content of anti oxidant than vegetables and grains. The high content of vitamins and minerals found in fruit as well as micro nutrients protect and rejuvenate the body's cells as well as the organs and minimize the ageing process.

The list of fruit nutritional facts is endless and many fresh fruits as well as dried fruits are eaten for medicinal purposes as the nutrients in fruit have been known to aid people suffering from hair loss, memory loss, osteoporosis, rheumatism, eye diseases and many more illnesses. Certain fruits prevent colds and influenza during the winter months. Fruit also helps with weight loss.

Here is a list of fruits as well as their nutritional values such as apples as the saying goes an apple a day keeps the doctor away as apples have a high content of fiber as well as Vitamin C, B, D as well as calcium and magnesium and there is a minimal folate and iron content. Many other fruits also have similar values to apples but apples really surpass all other fruits when it boils down to nutrition.

Fruit nutritional facts state that apples have a high content of phyto chemicals, anti inflammatory agents and procyanidin which protects one from having allergic reactions. But be aware as the pips found in apples contain small amounts of cyanide and even though apple cores are biodegradable never throw them down on the ground as birds eat the fruit and some die from cyanide poisoning. And remember to always wash fruit thoroughly before eating due to the deposits of pesticides.

With a lifelong passion for health, I enjoy sharing my personal experiences with diet and exercise. I also enjoy reviewing products, enjoy my latest reviews on what you need to know about choosing a copper vessel sink and white vessel sinks for your kitchen and bathroom.

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Fruit Juice - The Myths, The Facts and Tips

"Ouch! Arghh! Finally you heave a sign of relief! However, you felt a sharp pain while you were trying to release your stool. The next thing you noticed, there were tiny traces of reddish substance believed to be blood, that could be seen in the feces you had excreted. Recalling the food you ate for the day, you couldn't seem to remember any that provides clues to the existence of the substance. However, you could feel the burning sensation and acute pain when cleaning yourself. You suspected tears around your anus. Those were the details you gave to your doctor during your visit to the clinic. One of the most common questions normally asked by the doctor would be, "do you consume fruits?" The model answer given by most people would be "yes" since everyone of us know that fruits are healthy and known for their rich anti-oxidants in fighting against deadly diseases such as cancer, preventing cell damage and anti-aging properties. But again some people may think that drinking fruit juice everyday is the same as consuming fruits. This assumption has caused misinformation and many people are confused between facts and myths. Are you one of them?

Let's briefly describe the above scenario first. This scenario is one of the more common conditions that happen when one does not consume enough fiber. Constipation will definitely happen and your body will complain about the lack of fiber in your digestive system by using pain as a warning signal when you are doing your business in the toilet.

*3 Myths and Facts

Myth #1

I drink fruit juice daily. I think I am getting enough nutrients and anti-oxidants from the juices I drink everyday. I think there is no difference between consuming fruits and drinking fruit juices.


Drinking fruit juice is definitely not the same as consuming fruits. Why? This is because most of the fruit juices on the shelves of supermarkets, if not all, are pasteurised. This will mean that they possess lesser nutrients. Any fresh product, no matter how healthy it is that gets canned or packed, will lose vitamin b and potassium. When the product is exposed to air, it will start to lose its anti-oxidant qualities after about 20 minutes. You be better off eating the physical fruit instead.

Myth #2

I heard that fruit juices are high in carbohydrates and bad for health.


This is definitely misleading. Drinking fruit juice have beneficial qualities for your health. It will depend on when you drink the juices and whether the juices contains any added sugar. For example, drinking fruit juice after your workout will aid in replenishing body fluids and blood sugar, and also providing nutrients for your body. However, be careful of when you consume them as fruits contain high levels of sugar known as fructose, fruit juices contain even higher sugar due to the addition of sugar by manufacturers. This will quickly add up the calories and also causes insulin spikes detrimental to your health and weight management due to the high sugar content present. It is a sure fire way to put on weight if you consume fruit juice before bed time.

Myth #3

Since fruits are healthy, I can take medication with fruit juices instead of water.


Taking medication with any other fluids other than water is disastrous! Fruits are healthy, so are fruit juices depending on the sugar level. However, consuming medication with fruit juices is a totally different story. Certain fruit juices such as grapefruit juice can cause normal doses of medication to become toxic overdose as it causes the rate of absorption of specific medication to be absorbed quickly, while fruit juices such as orange juice may result in decreasing the effects of certain medication wiping out the beneficial effects from them.

*What you need to know when choosing fruit juices.

After clarifying some of the myths and facts about the difference between eating fruits and drinking"juices that appeared to be healthy", the following are what you need to know when choosing fruit juices. Look out for any added sugar. Choose 100% pasturised juices without any added sugar only as they are healthier. Juice concentrates contain a lot of sugar and it will definitely contribute to a higher probability of diabetes and obesity. A easy way to know how much sugar is present in the product is to look at the amount of sugar per serving. Compare the serving with this measurement, one teaspoon of sugar or one sugar cube is roughly 4 grams. You should now have a rough idea of how much sugar you will be consuming per serving.

Ben is a fitness enthusiast and lives a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly daily. He is conscious of his diet and takes note of what he eats. He loves to gym to keep his body in shape while maintaining a positive mindset and outlook of life.

For more information, visit The blog Of Ben Ang at on interesting stuff and other topics such as health, fitness, self-improvement and other related issues.

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Fruit Wines

There are many wines considered to be 'fruit wines'. These wines are received the name as they have ingredients of different types of fruits contained in them, rather than by the use of grapes. They usually will have a name referring to the type of fruit used to make the wine. Apple wine and plum wine are good examples.

However, fruit wines will not be called 'wine' as the term wine is designated specifically as a drink made with grapes. The name of the fruit must be in front of the word wine. This is to eliminate confusion. This also includes country wine which is the Great Britain version of fruit wine and a good indication that the wine is not made from grapes.

Many people make their own fruit wine. It can be made from any type of food that is sufficiently sweet. You might have to add a little table sugar or honey for the proper amount of sucrose.

Fruit wine is not always made from fruits. It can be produced from different plant sources that are not considered to be fruits. These types of fruit wines are often made from things like rice, dandelion, flowers, and more.

Apple wine is a German fruit wine which is made from apples. This wine is called Apfelwein in Germany. This is a form of cider that has an alcoholic content of 5.5% to 7%. Some say the taste of this wine is tart and sour. Some North Americans consume a drink in the winter months called apple cider. This most often is the very same thing but does not contain the alcoholic content. Apfelwein is often sold by the jug rather than in bottles like other wines around the world.

Wine can be produced with most fruits and berries around the world in cooler climates. It depends on the types and the amount of fermentable sugars contained inside of the fruits. Some fruits that have excessive levels of citric and malic acid can be fermented also.

Fruit wines usually need to be consumed at least a year after they are produced. These are not wines that get better as they age because of the fermentation issues. Because fruits most often need added sugars to make fruit wines these are not the natural sugars grapes have. They do not ferment the same and often need things like phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium added, which only allow the flavor to last for approximately one year.

There are many different fruits used to make fruit wines. The fruits that make the best fruit wines are elderberries, plums, peaches, blackberries, huckleberries, blackcurrants, and pomegranates. These fruit wines resemble grape wines and taste very similar.

Fruit wines are made from other fruits such as apricot, bananas, cherries, pineapple guava, and blueberries. Wines can also be made from flowers such as hibiscus, elderberry, and dandelions. Vegetables such as potatoes, rhubarb, and parsnip are also used to make fruit wines.

Scott Wells writes for where you can learn to Make Christmas Crafts just in time for the holiday season.

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Antioxidant Drinks - Choose a Balanced Antioxidant Combination of Fruits and Berries

There are many powerful antioxidants in the food world. Each of these food based antioxidant phytochemicals are constructed by nature in different ways. Antioxidants are mainly found in fruits and vegetables but can also be found in in spices. As a group fruit is the generally accepted category which contains more antioxidants per gram than any other commonly eaten food groups.

Today many highly promoted antioxidant drinks contain the "whats hot now antioxidant fruit" Examples of these popular fruits are acai, goji, pomegranate and mangosteen. While all are good and contain large amounts of antioxidant phytonutrients drinking a variety of fruits makes more sense. An antioxidant drink with a large number of different antioxidant fruits and berries offers the body a selection of phytonutrients from which to choose. Single fruit or even four to five fruit combinations do not give the body the full spectrum of phytonutrients it may need.

Very few people consider the lowly apple a highly active antioxidant fruit but it is. The predominate phytochemicals in apples are quercetin, epicatechin and procyanidin. Apples also have many other nutrients as well. It is also a very inexpensive antioxidant and should be considered as essential in any fruit essence antioxidant drink. Grapefruit another common fruit contains large amounts of vitamin c and lycopene both good antioxidants. Rose hips a strong antioxidant because of its high vitamin c content also is high in pectin an important soluble fiber.

The goji berry should always be a part of any antioxidant drink. Highly promoted yes but this fruit is one of the most nutrient dense and powerful antioxidant fruits on the planet. However it has little or no pectin like rose hips. The acai another highly promoted antioxidant fruit has many anthocyanins which are flavonoid like compounds which other plants do not have. Acai also has a high content of beta-sitosterols which other fruits don't.

A common fruit is the pineapple, but did you know that it contains high quantities of bromelain and is full of digestive enzymes and again other fruits do not contain these phytonutrients. One last example is the never talked about antioxidant fruit the cantaloupe. Ounce for ounce it is the best supplier of vitamin A. Each fruit has a different array of phytochemicals which are a great benefit to the human body and common sense tells me we need a variety of nutrients not just a single fruit source of antioxidants.

As you can see by the few examples above all fruits have different levels and different nutrient ingredients. Everyday I drink an antioxidant energy drink that has 27 different fruits plus resveratrol and quercetin It is not only well balanced but it has an ORAC rating of 8000 units per serving and 5630 mg of pure fruit essences and extracts. I have found that balance in everything seems to work best. The more varied the nutrients you consume the better protection your body receives. You might believe that this many fruits and this high of an ORAC ranking would be more expense but just the opposite is true.

Dan Keating has been researching nutritional and natural healing supplements for thirty years. Our minds and bodies are capable of living for over 152 years in a healthy state. The information concentrates on using food based nutrition and nutritional supplements to slow aging and allow for optimal health for as long as possible.

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Use the Glycemic Fruit Index to Accelerate Your Weight Loss

One of the things that people are told from a very young age is that they need to have five servings of fruits and vegetables a day to have a well balanced diet. This is also true when someone is following the glycemic food index in order to lose weight. But it is important to understand the glycemic fruit index to make sure that the individual stays within the proper range to maximize the weight loss.

Just as carbohydrates are not created equal, neither are fruits. It is simply not enough to know if the fruits are going to help in the losing of weight, but they also help in becoming healthy. Sugary fruits may be considered healthy by many people's standard by the mere facts they belong to the "fruit" category. People tend to associate fruits -- without regards to which ones -- with diet and losing weight. This is a common notion, and that is why the glycemic fruit index aids people in choosing the right type based on where they fall along the index.

For the most part, many fruits belong to the low end of the index. Most of the fruits are fibrous, which is something that makes food have a low GI. However, this is not the case for a lot of them. There are some surprises and it is key to understand which fruits are medium, and which ones are high. Yes, there are a few of them!

Fruits considered to have a low glycemic fruit index are apples, cherries, tomatoes, strawberries, plums, and bananas, with a level anywhere from 0-55. These fruits do not change levels of blood sugar. For the most part, people can eat as many of them as they like.

The fruits that fall in the middle of the index will have a small affect on the level of insulin. Examples of fruit with medium glycemic index are pineapples, mangoes, and raisins.

But be careful with this last group - the one on the high end of the GI index. Surprisingly -- at least to me it was -- one of the fruits that are in this group is watermelon. Even though this has a high index, based on the glycemic load and the food ranking, it is good to know that a person would need to eat a lot of it to make a big difference.

For the most part, the glycemic fruit index should not alarm people too much, because even the fruits that are high, are doing us good because they are providing key nutrients that our bodies need. In the grand scheme of things, all fruits regardless of their place in the index, would need to be eaten in big quantities to make a big difference in blood sugar.

When someone is doing this kind of diet, they should remember that most of the fruit has a low rating and therefore can be eaten and enjoyed without problems. Vitamins and nutrients are key components of the health equation. Fruits are a sweet and delicious way to provide our bodies -- on a regular basis -- what it needs to keep us in good health.

Lindsey Desner is a health enthusiast and the director of She is committed to help people achieve a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Lindsey offers free expert advice on topics such as the Glycemic Fruit Index, which teaches people how to use it to lose weight naturally, easily and permanently.

Visit Lindsey's site and sign up for a FREE 10 part mini-course on the secrets of using the Glycemic Fruit Index to lose weight!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Benefits of 5-A-Day Fruits in Our Daily Diet

The Mediterranean diet has long been considered to be the optimum diet for the human heart given it includes plenty of fresh fruit. WHO guidelines recommend that each of us should aim to eat at least five portions of different fruit or vegetables on a daily basis. A portion of fruit constitutes a single fruit such as an Apple, a small cup of fruit such as grapes or raspberries, or a glass of pure fruit juice. It is okay to include dried, tinned and frozen fruit as part of your five a day but be careful with tinned fruits given they are frequently sweetened with syrups and in many cases contains less vitamin C. Wherever possible purchase fruit that has been canned in its own juices without the addition of extra sugars.

Fruit itself is an excellent source of antioxidants examples which are bioflavonoid and vitamin C all helping to protect us against degenerative diseases, heart disease and cancer are good examples. Fruit is also low in calories and is therefore an exceptional foodstuff for anybody attempting to lose weight.

Fresh fruit and fruit juices provide most of our regular intake of vitamins C, with citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and tangerines being the most important sources. Other providers of vitamins C in our diets include kiwifruit, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, mangoes and papayas. Fruits with a deep yellow or orange flash good examples are apricots, mangoes and cantaloupe melons, obtain their colour from an yellow orange pigment known as beta carotene, otherwise known as the plant form of vitamin A.

This, it is understood, helps to protect us against free radicals and some have suggested even cancer. The majority of fruits are also rich in potassium which is especially true of bananas and dried fruits. Potassium works to regulate our blood pressures and it also works in tandem with sodium to regulate the body's fluid balance. Other reasons why fruit is so valuable in our diets is because it contains both soluble and insoluble fibres. Insoluble fibres help to prevent constipation and are also connected with a reduced risk of colon cancer whereas soluble fibres have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels.

Citrus fruits and indeed dried fruits such as dates, figs, raisins and apricots are also particularly good sources of fibre in our diets. There are many benefits to including the proportions of fruit in your diet including vitamins C, antioxidants and potassium with the only notable drawback is that fruit juices can contribute towards tooth decay. That said, this is a small price to pay for a healthy body utilising a balanced diet of fruit.

Jamie has been writing articles online several years and runs many websites. His latest Hospital Curtains discusses the health benefits of reducing contamination in hospitals. Check it out at

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Using Fruit in Dessert Recipes

Fruit is a popular ingredient to use when making desserts because it is naturally sweet. It is also colorful, nutritious and you can eat it cooked or raw, making it a versatile ingredient.

There are many different ways to use fruit to make dessert recipes. You can serve a simple fruit platter, a fruit and cheese platter, fruit pies, fruit cobblers, fruit jello recipes and much more. You can use fresh fruit, frozen fruit, or canned fruit.

Healthy Recipes with Fruit

Fruit contains natural sugar but is very nutritious and a great source of energy too. If you want low calorie recipes or low fat recipes using fruit, what about making some sugar free jello and adding fruit slices before the jello sets?

If you are using canned fruit, you might want to rinse the sugar syrup off it before using it in a fruit recipe. Frozen berries and other frozen fruit should be defrosted before you use it, unless the recipe says otherwise, because it is covered in ice crystals and will be very watery when it thaws, diluting your dessert perhaps too much.

Unusual Fruit Recipes

Nearly everyone has enjoyed a fruit platter or a fruit jello recipe but have you ever tried deep fried ice cream with blackberry coulis or a fruit pizza recipe? Recipes like these bring the fun factor back into cooking with fruit.

Wrap a cube of vanilla ice cream in a thin pancake and deep fry it, then serve it with a blackberry coulis for a delicious gourmet dessert.

Alternatively, what about topping a pizza crust with chocolate sauce, marshmallows, and slices of your favorite fruit? This delicious dessert combines indulgence with nutrition for a guilt-free dessert experience and you do not even have to bake it.

Easy Baked Pear and Pecan Pie

The following recipe is simple to prepare and serves six to eight people. Pears go wonderfully with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg and the pecans add a wonderful crunch. If you have apples to use up instead of pears, use those instead.

You will need:

2 1/2 cups peeled fresh pear slices
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup plus 1 teaspoon white sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 lightly beaten egg
3/4 cup plus 1 teaspoon melted butter

How to make it:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9 inch pie pan with 1 teaspoon of butter and arrange the pear slices in the pan. Dust them with 1 teaspoon of sugar, the cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. Mix the rest of the sugar with the rest of the butter in a medium bowl. Add the flour, egg, pecans, and salt and spread this mixture over the pears. Bake for an hour or until the pie is golden brown on top. Serve hot or chilled in slices, with cream or ice cream.

There are plenty of delicious types of pizza and healthy recipes you can make with fruit. If you fancy something delicious like a fruit pizza recipe, check out our site where you will find all the best savory pizzas as well as sweet, fruity ones for when you want to satisfy your sweet tooth with something delicious and nutritious. You Make the Pizza, We Help You Make It Great!

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7 Tips For Making Delicious Fruit Salad

Fruit salad makes for a great dessert as well as a healthy snack. We have a bowl of it sitting in the fridge most days. Having it there makes it easy for everyone in my family to grab a healthy snack and I much rather they eat a bowl of this than some cookies or candy bars. Here are some simple tips to make sure your fruit salad turns out perfect every time you make it.

Keep It Simple - Don't try to get too fancy with your fruit salad. You really want the individual pieces of fruit to shine. Stick to no more than five different types of fruit and keep the dressing simple as well. More on that in just a second or two...

Use Fruit In Season - When you are picking the fruits to use in your salad, stick with the ones that are in season and pick pieces that look fresh and tasty. The only exception would be if you use dried or canned fruit. They can make yummy accents to your fruit salad, but the bulk of the fruit you use should be fresh. In other words, feel free to sprinkle a few raisins or some chunks of canned pineapple in your salad, but keep the rest of the fruit fresh for best results.

Don't Overdress It - Let's get back to the issue of dressing. A fruit salad dressing should be simple, light and slightly sweet to enhance the natural sweetness of the fruit. You don't won't it to overpower the fruit though. I like to mix a little lemon juice and either sugar or honey. The lemon juice gives a nice tartness, but more importantly it will keep the fruit from turning brown. The sugar or honey will balance out the tartness of the lemon while drawing natural juices out of the fruit. If needed, you can add a splash of water or fruit juice to stretch the dressing. In the summer, you may want to add a little chopped mint to the dressing as well.

Be Colorful - Your fruit salad should look as good as it tastes. A simple way to accomplish just that is to choose fruits in a wide variety of colors. A salad bursting with colors will also be bursting with flavor. Just imagine mixing some red apples, purple grapes, green pears, yellow or pail white melon and orange slices. A great way to make sure your fruit salad is colorful is to leave the skin the fruit whenever possible and of course only when the skin is edible. This will also give your fruit salad some nice texture.

Skip The Berries - For the most part, stay away from berries for your fruit salad. They quickly disintegrate and make a big mess of the rest of your salad. The only time I use berries is if I know we will eat all of it right away. Even then I usually try to keep the berries whole, with the exception of strawberries which can be sliced without ruining your salad right away.

Don't Overchill - While it's perfectly fine to store fruit salad leftovers in the fridge, you want to make sure you don't chill it too much before you serve it. The fruit will develop its full flavor potential at room temperature. In the summer time, it's fine to serve the salad slightly chilled. Even if you store it in the fridge, be sure to take it out at least 30 minutes prior to serving it.

Make It Fresh - Fruit salad isn't a dish that you can easily make ahead of time. Make it fresh and don't be tempted to cut the fruit ahead of time. It will quickly lose a lot of its flavor. A perfect fruit salad is made right before you eat it. This way every single bite will be bursting with flavor and vitamins.

And now I would like to invite you to give yet another type of fruit salad a try. The heavier dressing and simple ingredients make the waldorf salad a perfect dessert that defies a lot of the tips I shared with you in this article.

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Amazing Fruit Benefits

Fruit benefits have been known for years, but many people do not apply this to their daily diet. Eating fruits may have many other benefits that you do not know about. If you plan fruit in your diet everyday and stick to this plan, you may see a variety of results that you never expected before.

There are many vitamins in fruits and you may want to begin to research all of these amazing vitamins and see how they can benefit you. You can also check with your doctor and find out if there are any vitamins or minerals where you are deficient and you can begin to incorporate these types of fruits into your diet. You may be amazed at what you discover when you do some research and you might want to take notes so that you do not forget anything that you deem important.

Fruit benefits may also help you lose weight and this is a major perk for many people. If you take simple steps of incorporating fruit into your diet each day, you may find that fruit has a very filling effect on the body and this can help you feel full longer and in turn you will be losing weight.

Fruit benefits also include boosting your energy level. You may find that there are periods throughout the day when you start to fee sluggish and fruit may help you with a great energy boost. You should experiment a little and find out which fruits can give you the most energy. Fruit benefits may also make you feel better. When you are giving your body what it wants, it will perform better and this can help you feel better. You may find that you are sick less often and that you just feel better overall.

Fruit benefits can also be found in vitamins and supplements. If you find it hard to consume the amount of fruit you need on daily basis a supplement can be a great way to get all of the important vitamins that you need without having to consume a large amount of fruit. This is also a very easy way to get what you need in one simple tablet or chewable.

Fruit benefits are massive and you will discover why fruit is so important in your diet when you start doing your own investigative research. A fruit supplement or vitamin is a great alternative and you do not have to eat entirely healthy to have fruit benefits.

Further information on Fruit Benefits [] to impact your family needs, visit

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Do You Suffer From Gas, Bloating, Indigestion Or Flatulence After You Eat Fruits? Here is Why

Are you one of those people who say "I love fruits, but it does not love me?"  Or "I love fruits, but I just can't eat it". a lot of people think that they are allergic to fruits because of the gas, bloating, and flatulence they experience after eating fruits.  However, is this really an allergy to fruits or is it something else?

 Most people I meet love fruits, both young and old we all love fruits.  The reason why we instinctively crave fruits is because it is the one who by the human body is perfectly, biologically adopted to.  Most fresh fruits are extremely high in water content with some fruits having up to 90% cleansing, life-giving, and new trade Pack water.  This water is perfect for cleansing and ridding the body of dangerous toxic waste matter.  Roots contains all the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty  Acids that the body requires each day

The body uses more energy indigestion than for any other process vital energy is redirected from other processes that the body must perform in order to digest our food.  Fruits on the other hand requires less energy to digest than any other food group.

Fruits are not digested in the stomach, all fruits, with the exception of bananas, dates, and dried fruit, stays in the stomach only for a very short time.  This is very important to remember because if fruits are not intended to stay in the stomach for very long, incorrect consumption means that fruits should never be the immediately before or immediately after anything else.  It is vital that when you eat fruits is eaten on them to stomach.  Let's just say you had a medium-size lunch burgers and fries, and then you eat a fruit salad. 

The fruits are ready to go straight to the summa into the contest aims but it is being prevented by the burger you ate just before.  In the meantime the entire meal that is the burgers, fries and the fruit salad stays in your stock and for many this.  The very action of fermentation produces gas, and lots of it.  This is the main reason why most people think they are allergic to fruits.

So you at the fruit salad immediately after you at your lunch, you get gas, our ability, or indigestion, or flatulence, and you blame it on the fruits.  If the fruits were eaten first in about 30 minutes were allowed to pass before eating your meal the fruits would have left to stumble and moved on to the intestinal tract and no problem would've resulted.

So if you have been constantly blaming fruits for your gastric disturbances, try eating fruits at least 30 minutes before consuming your meal, or wait at least two hours after you have consumed your meal.  The point is to eat fruits once your stomach is empty.  This way you would enjoy all the benefits of fruits and at the same time prevent any discomfort that you may have had in the past.

The intestines are where all the nutrients are absorbed, because fruits reached in testing this within minutes of eating, it's nutrients are immediately absorbed and euthanized by the body.  By eating only fruits in the morning between 7 and 12 PM you will make your entire day more productive and you will have more energy.

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How to Make Fruit Leather

Fruit leathers or fruit roll ups are homemade fruit rolls. Fruit leathers are made from pureed fruit that is dried on a flat surface. After the fruit is dry, it is pulled from the drying surface and rolled into small tubes. Fruit roll ups get their name from the look and texture of the dried, pureed fruit which is shiny and leathery.

Homemade fruit roll ups are a great tasty, nutritious snack that children especially love. Homemade fruit leather can be made from many different fruit combinations and spices and are substantially less expensive and more wholesome than the store bought kind. Store bought fruit roll ups are really over processed candy and contain heavy sugars or corn syrup and are partially made from fruit juice. Thus, store bought fruit roll ups are not one hundred percent fruit.

Making roll ups requires the following utensils:

a double boiler or steamer (optional),
a food processor or blender, or alternatively strong arms and forearms for mashing and blending
and plastic wrap or non-stick dehydrator sheets

Fruit Leather steps:

Use ripe or slightly overripe fruit
Wash, remove stems and seeds, remove peels (some peel can be left on oranges, lemons, limes and other similar food)
Cut the food into slices or chunks
Steam it for 10-15 minutes (optional)
Puree it in a blender or food processor
Add juice or spices as flavoring (pineapple, lemon, lime), if desired add sugar or honey as a sweetener, and or add chopped nuts or coconut to create different textures
To prevent food discoloration and flavor loss, add 1/2 teaspoon of ascorbic acid crystals or 2 tablespoons of lemon juice for every 2 cups of fruit.
Lightly coat the food dehydrator plastic sheets or wrap with a cooking spray
Pour the puree to create an even depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Maintain a food dehydrator temperature of 115 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, or 46 to 54 degrees Celsius, and dry for up to 10 hours. The fruit leather is ready if it peels readily at the edges and if you cannot see any indentations after you touch it in several places.
Roll your strips of fruit leather and wrap them in plastic wrap. Fruit leather can be stored for a year in the freezer, several months in the refrigerator and a month or two at room temperature.

Fruit leather can also be made via an uncooked method. After slicing the fruit into chunks (step 3), skip step 4 (steaming) and proceed to step 5 and puree the fruit.Other tips:

Fruits suitable for fruit leather include apples, apricots, bananas, berries, cherries, grapes, oranges, pears, pineapples, plums, strawberries, tangerines, and tomatoes
Draining excess juice from the fruit will speed up the drying time
Applesauce can be dried alone or added to any fresh puree. Applesauce will add sweetness and make the fruit leather smoother and more pliable.
Spices to add: Sparingly use cinnamon, cloves, coriander, ginger, mace, mint, nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice

Visit Food Dehydrator to learn how to dehydrate food and make beef jerky and dried fruit. Use our food dehydrator content and calculators to discover the benefits of food dehydrators and dried food.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Does New Fruit2day Rival Fresh Fruit?

Back in May of this year, a new product was released in the US by the international company Hero/WhiteWave. Called Fruit2day, this fruit drink is intended to help busy people everywhere increase their consumption of fruit.

What is Fruit2day?

Here is the introduction on the Fruit2day website:

No doubt about it, fruit does wonders for your health.

Can't argue with that one. Let's keep going:

But it's tough to get your fill with an on-the-go lifestyle.

Hmm. Apparently whoever wrote this has never heard of bananas.

Now there's a new way to eat fruit.

As opposed to chewing and swallowing, I suppose.

It's not that we changed fruit. We just discovered that dicing-up real fruit into little bits and adding them to rich blends of all-natural juice and puree tastes really, really good.

Yes, we know. It's called a smoothie. Or, if you want to get all fancy on me, a fruit soup.

So drink it, sip it, chew it and enjoy two servings of fruit like you never have before.

Oh boy...I can't wait... :roll:

Alright...Enough With The Sarcasm

The stuff can't really be all that bad. I mean it is real fruit, right? And, as the label says, "No added sugars." And I'm all for increasing consumer awareness and encouraging people to eat more fruit. But does Fruit2day really rival the nutrient quality, taste, cost, or portability of fresh fruit?


If you take a look at what's actually in any one of the four Fruit2day flavors, you will notice that the majority of the ingredients are fruit juices.

Here's the ingredient list for Strawberry Orange:

strawberry pieces
apple juice from concentrate
white grape juice from concentrate
orange juice with pulp from concentrate
banana puree
pineapple pieces and puree
aronia berry juice from concentrate
acerola cherry juice from concentrate
natural flavor

9 ingredients, 5 of which are juices.

The problem with juicing fruit is that vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals are lost in the process. This includes vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and fiber. And why do we need fiber? Quite simply:

Because of fiber, and because precious food components haven't been lost through processing, natural plant foods fill you up and do not cause abnormal physiological cravings or hormonal imbalances.

Eating fruits and vegetables with the fiber intact also slows down the rate of glucose absorption, which will prevent blood sugar spikes.

SIDE NOTE: The above quote is from Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Even though it's advertised as a diet book, Eat To Live is actually more of a collection of scientific studies pointing to the positive effects of eating a diet devoid of animal products. And while Dr. Fuhrman does advocate eating cooked grains, legumes, and veggies, he also encourages unlimited amounts of raw fruit and vegetables in the diet.


In order for Fruit2day to have any sort of a shelf life without preservatives, the majority of the ingredients must be pasteurized. So, all of the fruit juices are heat-treated. And as we already know, heat = nutrient loss.

From Concentrate

And speaking of nutrient loss, what about the fact that the fruit juices included are from concentrate? A juice "not from concentrate" is first squeezed, then pasteurized, and finally packaged. A juice "from concentrate" has an extra step. The water is removed from the juice and then added back in before pasteurization and packaging. More steps, more oxidization, more nutrient loss, AND an overall cheaper quality product

Natural Flavor?

All four flavors have "natural flavor" listed last on the ingredient list. While I'm sure this is something relatively innocent, it would still be nice to know what exactly this flavoring is. I better be "raw foodist" is showing.


The price of 2 bottles (4 servings worth) of Fruit2day is $3.75. That's about $.94 per one half cup of fruit. I've bought organic bananas for $.65 per pound, local cantaloupe for $1.50 per pound, organic Valencia oranges for $1.15 per pound... I've even purchased locally grown, pesticide-free, absolutely delicious peaches for $.75 per pound. Need I say more?


As mentioned above, the big selling point here is that Fruit2day is extremely portable. You just grab a bottle and go! But I ask you, can you not just grab a banana and go, or grab an apple and go, or grab an orange and go? Heck, even melon is pretty portable! Just cut one up in advance, store in pre-portioned plastic containers in the fridge, and carry it along with you.


I haven't actually tasted this stuff myself. I just can't bring myself to spend almost $4 on four measly servings of fruit. And heat-treated fruit juice isn't exactly raw, now is it?

The Final Verdict

Fruit2day just doesn't measure up. Sure, it's fruit. But it isn't whole, nor is it fresh or even raw. And as far as Fruit2day's ability to convince the masses to eat more fruit, I am skeptical. I'm not a penny pincher, but I just can't see the average Joe Shmoe shelling out $3.75 for two small bottles of chunky fruit smoothie. Not when you can get a Milky Way bar for under 2 bucks.

But what do you think? Is Fruit2day a worthy competitor of fresh fruit or merely the sad remains of its nutrient-packed opponent?

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

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Drying Fruit at Home - Easier Than You Think

Whether you love the taste of fruits during the winter, or you simply love to learn new and interesting ways to prepare food, you may be wondering about how to dry fruit. Drying fruit is one way to preserve its delicious flavors for the winter. If you have some fruit that you would love to preserve, here are a few things that can get you started.

Start with fruit that is ripe, but not soft or squishy. They should not have any soft spots or bad spots. When you have your fruit selected, start by washing them, pitting them, and then slicing them. The smaller the pieces, the faster your fruit will dry. If you keep the pieces uniform in size, you will be able to dry them more evenly.

When the fruit has been cut up, you will need to pre-treat it. One way to pre-treat apricots or apples is to blanch them. Blanching involves steaming the fruit for five minutes and then plunging them into ice water. Alternatively, instead of blanching, you can pre-treat the fruit by dipping it in a solution made of 1 quart of water and 2 tablespoons of ascorbic acid for 5 minutes. There are also other ways to pre-treat the fruit prior to the drying process.

After you have pre-treated the fruit, it is ready to be dried. The most simple method of drying fruit involves sun drying, but do keep in mind that you are going to need three days of sunny heat that hovers around 100 degrees. You can spread the fruit out on a screen for three days, turning them over halfway through. Make sure that you bring them inside at night to avoid insects, but this is a very simple way to dry fruit.

If you live in a climate that is not suitable for drying fruit outside, consider using oven drying. Spread cheesecloth over your oven racks and then place the fruit on top of them. Preheat your oven to 145 degrees, while keeping the door slightly open to allow steam to escape. Most fruits should be dried from 4 hours onwards up to half a day, depending on the fruit concerned. Check the fruit periodically by tasting a piece of fruit to see if it is ready.

Better still, you can also use a food dehydrator to dry the fruit. There are many inexpensive food dehydrators designed to be used at home. Commonly the dehydrator consists of trays stacked upon one another. All you need to do is to place the fruit slices evenly on the trays and switch on the machine. Many models have adjustable thermostat for you to choose the appropriate temperature for drying. As usual, check the fruit periodically to see if it is dried.

Once it is dried, it is done! It is ready to be enjoyed. One last thing is that if you are planning to store your fruit for long time, you may also want to pasteurize it. When your fruit is perfectly dry, you can either freeze it in a deep freezer for a few days, or heat it up to 175 degrees in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes. This can help you preserve the fruit for longer.

So take some time and learn more about drying out your fruit. This is a safe and easy food experiment to try at home!

One good dehydrator for drying fruits at home is the nesco food dehydrator. Find out more information about this and many other interesting products on Household Gadgets.

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The Benefits and Precautions of Fruit

Although all fruits are generally healthy, they could also create a bit of discomfort in some cases. If you have a sensitive digestive system for instance, fruits that can be acidic may not be recommended for you.

Even if there is no such thing as a harmful fruit, you should still take note of your health condition before eating your desired fruit. Some fruits can contain acid and this acid may not only affect your digestive tract when consumed on a large amount, but can also affect your dental health. Too much acid can be harmful to the surface of your teeth.

To minimize the discomfort brought on by too much consumption of acid and sugar from certain fruits, fruits have been classified into different categories so that people may know if they can freely enjoy their preferred healthy snack or if they need to limit or totally avoid it.

Fruits can be sweet. They contain fructose, or the sugar on fruits, which when eaten very often can affect your teeth. Pears are a good example of sweet fruits. Just for an added fruit nutrition fact, these fruits are best eaten on an empty stomach. Apples, strawberries and mangoes on the other hand are examples of sub-acid fruits.

Sub-acid fruits are less acidic compared to the acidic fruits. These can go with either acidic or sweet fruits. It is still best not to consume too much of them if you are already full. Acid fruits such as oranges and other citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C and are also a good source of calcium. However, other people may experience stomach ache because of the sour effect of these fruits.

Now that you are aware of some facts about fruits, let us look at some benefits and vitamin and mineral contents of some popular fruits.

o Mangoes can help to relieve bowel movement discomfort. They can also lower down the body temperature when you have fever, and can unclog your skin pores, too. Their major benefit could rely on their ability to reduce the risk of cancer and alleviate the excess acids in the stomach.

o Lemons are good for fighting infection. With the right amount, lemons can also treat tooth ache and skin problems such as acne and blackheads.

o Apricot can be a good treatment for colon cleansing. They can get rid of gall stones and can even kill worms that live in your stomach. They can also combat anemia and other pulmonary illness.

o Dates is also a good fruit that treats anemia, constipation, ulcers, and even sexual problems.

In addition to each of these nutritional facts, all of the fruits also contain Vitamins A, B, and C as well as other minerals such as phosphorus and proteins. If you think one of these fruits can help you with your existing health discomfort, it is best to also consider first if you have other health conditions that could also be affected before grabbing the fruit of your choice.

With a lifelong passion for health, I enjoy sharing my personal experiences with diet and exercise. I also enjoy reviewing products, enjoy my latest reviews on what you need to know about which wall coat rack to choose, and purchasing stool furniture, including bar stools for your home.

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Fruit Cake Recipes - Make Some History!

With Christmas right around the corner, many people are turning their attention to the making of fruit cakes-that much maligned and often scorned delicacy that is associated with holidays and weddings. Fruit cake has been made for thousands of years, but it's only in the last 80 years or so that it's become a running Christmas joke; this is because the fruit cake that is mass produced and sold in stores is dry, hard and tasteless.

Fruit cake has been made since the days of ancient Rome in one form or another. It wasn't called "fruit cake" until the Middle Ages when people began to put preserved fruit, spices and honey for sweetness in the cakes. When the American colonies became a source of cheap and abundant sugar in the 16th century, people in the colonies and Europe discovered that fruit would keep for a long time when preserved with a large concentration of sugar in sugar-water syrup. An excess of preserved fruit was created which, in turn, made the preserved fruit cheaper and made the baking of fruit cakes more popular. Nuts weren't used much in fruit cakes until the 18th century when Europeans started putting nuts in the cakes at harvest to ensure good luck and a good harvest the next year.

There are so many different kinds of fruit cakes and ways to make them; the recipes for them would quickly fill a very thick book! Recipes for fruit cakes vary widely depending on the country they come from and the fruit that's available in that country. There are countless fruit cake recipes from the United States, because we grow so many different kinds of fruits and nuts. The most popular recipes here are light fruit cake and dark fruit cake; so named because of the color of the fruits and nuts used in them. There are also fruit cake recipes that have been handed down from mother to daughter over the generations and are an honored part of the Christmas traditions for their families.

A fruit cake that's made with care by hand and allowed to age tastes and looks splendid and is a testament to the baking skills of the person that made it.

Fruit cakes are at their best when they're made well in advance of the holidays. They need a period of time, usually a few weeks to a few months, to age properly. When a fruit cake is stored it picks up the flavor of the liquor or juice it's soaked in; this also makes the fruit cake much moister and helps to preserve it. And, as the flavors of the different fruits and nuts in the cake intermingle it contributes to the delicious signature taste that fruit cake has.

So, try your hand at baking a fruit cake this holiday season. You'll be making a little bit of history!

Janet Keene

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Fruit For Fast Weight Loss - Which Ones Are Best?

Everyone knows that eating a lot of fresh fruits is a great way to lose weight. The problem is that not every fruit is going to work well with your diet plans. Some fruits are better for you than others. Which fruits are high in sugar? Which fruits will help you shed the most weight?

Fruits to Eat

Citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit, are among the healthiest fruits that you could eat, so make sure to purchase your favorites. Apples are also a great, and affordable, choice for any dieter.

Fruits to Avoid

Cut down on dried fruits as well as fruits that are canned in syrup. If you are having trouble getting all fresh fruit, look for some frozen fruit that you can make into smoothies. These will be more nutritious and less sugary than other forms.

While it is not necessary to cut out all of the more sugary fruits, it is a good idea to eat them in smaller quantities. For example, bananas, grapes, dates, pineapples, and mangos are high in sugar and are not suggested for diabetics. If you are eating fruit for fast weight loss, you need to watch the amount of these foods that you eat. A little will be very beneficial, but eating too much of them could sabotage your diet.

What about Fruit Juice?

Drinking grape or cranberry juice purchased in a store might make you feel healthier but in reality you might as well be drinking a soda. That's right. Most fruit juices found in stores are high in sugar, not to mention preservatives and other additives. In order to have the best weight loss, it is important to only drink juice that you have squeezed fresh.

What about Power Fruits?

Fruits such as the Acai berry have become famous for their weight loss powers. However, most of these magic diet foods are difficult if not impossible to get in whole form. It may be tempting to purchase products that claim to harness the power of these foods to maximize your weight loss, but it is better for you to stick with whole fresh fruits that you can purchase from a local grocery store or farmer's market.

Your Fruit Plan for Fast Weight Loss

If you decide to go on an all fruit fast or diet for any period of time, it is important to have a wide variety of fruit on hand. Eat something every two hours to keep your blood sugar steady. You should also make sure to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water. Don't count on juicier foods like watermelon and oranges for your entire fluid intake.

Are you looking for fruits for fast weight loss? Go to ==> to get a FREE report on fast weight loss!

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Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes - Choose Fruits That Suit You!

People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes often have questions about eating fruit ... they often want to know if fruit juice will raise their blood sugar levels faster than eating a piece of fruit. Another question relates to the glycemic index (GI) of fruit.

Actually the effect of fruit on your blood sugars depends on several factors:

the form of the fruit ... is it juice?
do you eat fruit as part of your meal, at the end of your meal, or separately as a snack
the GI of the fruit

Fruit usually does not raise your blood sugar levels more quickly than other carbohydrates but some fruits raise your levels faster when eaten alone.

These fruits have a low GI ranking:


but these:

dates and raisins

have a high GI. You need to work out how fruit in general, and specifically which fruits affect your blood sugar levels. For example, does eating fruit at breakfast make it difficult for you to keep your levels stable throughout the day? Is there a particular fruit that causes your blood sugars to rise drastically? Alternatively, does eating a piece of fruit in the afternoon give you enough of a carbohydrate boost to get you through to your evening meal?

Fruit is a great energy source containing vitamins, minerals and fiber and really should not be left out of your food plan ... fruit should be eaten each day. The best idea is to work out which fruit is best for you to eat and whether to eat it with your meals or as a snack. Your blood sugar level goals will help you with that decision.

Check your blood sugar level two hours after eating the piece of fruit. It is also important to make sure of the quantity ... you may think you are having one serving whereas you are having two or three, e.g.

1 serving for a small apple should be 4 oz (113 g)
1 serving of grapefruit equals half, not the whole fruit
1 serving for a medium peach should be 6 oz (170 g)

If you drink fruit juice be careful of the amount, it's easy to drink more than you realise. Actually it is a good idea to drink as little fruit juice as possible, it offers good nutrition but does not contain the fiber of fresh fruit.

Why not take one or two pieces of fruit from home each day ... you could eat them with lunch, as a snack in the afternoon, or on your way home from work to take the edge off your hunger.

To download a copy of my free E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions ... it's based on questions diabetics have asked me over recent months.

Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Dealing With Fruit Allergies - Important Facts You Must Know

Fruits are very important in a diet as they supply all the vitamins, minerals and fiber that the body needs to maintain strength and health. But not everyone is able to consume fruit as some people find that taking fruits can cause allergic reactions in their bodies. The allergic reactions which fruits cause can be easily recognized and it is always quite easy to say which fruit is allergic to a person. So once the fruit is identified as causing an allergy the person can best avoid the fruit.

Oral allergy syndrome is very common to fruit allergies as consuming a certain fruit will cause swellings in certain parts like the tongue, mouth, lips and throat etc. The moment the fruit comes into contact with our mouth or lips they begin to burn or swell.

This syndrome is not restricted to fruits alone but also vegetables. Many people display the same allergic symptoms when they eat certain vegetables. This is caused by the chemical reactions which take place between the pollens and proteins. It is common that people who have fruit allergies are also allergic to pollens. Only when the fruits and vegetables are eaten fresh do they cause allergies in people not when they are cooked and eaten. This is because the pollens and proteins which are present get destroyed when cooked.

Some of the other symptoms which fruit allergies cause are skin irritations, redness and rashes or hives. Sometimes due to fruit allergies the blood pressure can also drop drastically cutting off oxygen supply to the brain. The mouth throat and airways begin to swell restricting air to the lungs and this leaves the person gasping for breath which in turn leads to death.

We sometimes notice that only certain classes of fruits tend to cause allergies to us. Like for instance if we are allergic to rag weed then we will find that when we eat fruits like bananas, and melons like watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew will also cause allergy reactions.

In the case of Birch tree allergy you will find certain fruits like apples, pears, cherries, kiwi and stone fruit which are more likely to cause allergies also. Certain other fruits like lemons, oranges limes and grapefruit which belong to the citrus variety can also cause allergies. This is mainly due to the acidic nature of the citrus fruits which cause allergic reactions.

The best way to avoid fruit allergies is not to eat those fruits so that all that rashes, swelling and skin irritations can be avoided. There are people who have become resistant to fruit allergies because of the allergy injections which they have taken. Though there is another option which is to have the fruits cooked and eaten to avoid allergic reactions in your body.

Abhishek has got some great Allergy Relief Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 54 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Allergies!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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Several Fruits For Diabetics

Fruits and vegetables are very good for health especially for diabetics. Fruits contain many good nutrients which help to control the blood sugar and can maintain your diabetes.

There are several fruits for diabetics that can help to not only low the blood sugar but help to keep body healthy and fit.

The first fruit which is really very helpful in the list of all fruits for diabetics is bitter melon. It contains some compounds just like insulin which helps to maintain the blood sugar level keeping it to normal. If you have not eaten this fruit, you should give it a try to make yourself fit.

Citrus foods are very good for diabetics. They lie in the top list of fruits for diabetics. These fruits include grape fruit, oranges, limes, lemon and apples. Try to eat them raw rather than drinking their juice because when you will eat these fruits for diabetics, they take little more time to digest which will help your blood sugar to get at normal level. Pomegranate is another very good option to eat when you are suffering from diabetes.

There are several other fruits for diabetics who not only provide healthy vitamins and nutrients to increase your stamina and health and are good source of maintain the glucose of the blood and producing more insulin in the body. These all fruits are good for health and they help to lose weight as well which is another benefit of eating such fruits.

Some fruits for diabetics like peaches help to make blood cells and provide energy to body. Fruits like apricots, strawberry and guava are also very beneficial for diabetics in order to produce vitamins and nutrients in the body.

But there are some fruits which diabetics should not eat because they have much sugar which is not good for their health. These fruits are cherries, bananas, mangoes, water melons and melons etc. diabetics should try to avoid these fruits and stick to their fruits for diabetics that are more healthy and good for their balancing of sugar level in blood.

Fruits are very good for health but it is advice for all diabetics' people that they should try to ask from the doctor about which fruits for diabetics they should eat and which they should not use. Otherwise, if they unfortunately eat any fruit that contains so much sugar and carbohydrates, they can have problem of high or low blood sugar which can be a cause of death. So they should only eat fruits for diabetics and avoid other fruits.

Diabetics should not use the packed juices of fruits because these juices box contains good quantity of sugar no matter how much they claim that it is sugar free. If you like juice, you can drink fresh juice but eating raw fruit is much better then drinking its juice especially the juice available in the market which contains sugar and preservatives both are not good for health of diabetics. So eat fresh fruits to live a good life.

Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in Diabetic Foods to Eat AND Diabetes Foods to Avoid.

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Grilling Fruit Year Round

If youre looking for a different way to eat fruit, why not grill it?

We all know that fruit is part of a healthy diet, but sometimes we don't eat enough of it. Fresh fruit reposes in a bowl on our kitchen counter and goes bad before we eat it. Cans of fruit set in our kitchen cupboards or pantry untouched. We know we should eat fruit, but we don't always do it.

Grilling fruit changes up the flavors and textures, giving you a new way to enjoy a tasty, healthy food. In warmer months you can use an outdoors grill, and in cold weather you can use an outdoor grill. Yes, I know, some people use an outdoor grill even when the snow is flying, but for those of us who prefer to stay warm, try something like using a George Foreman grill in your kitchen.

Naturally, the fruit will have different flavors depending on how you grill it. For instance, charcoal or wood briquettes impart a smoky flavor of their own to the fruit.

Uses For Grilled Fruit

You can eat grilled fruit by itself as a snack, a side dish or dessert.  It makes a nice addition to any meal. It goes great cut up and added to salads. Grilled fruits are nice in rice pudding and custards. They pair well with ice cream, and can be included in a fruit sauce to pour over cakes or pancakes.

There are all kinds of ways to use grilled fruit. Just about anyway you would use canned fruit will work with grilled fruit, and many ways you would use fresh fruit work too.

Ways Of Grilling Fruit

Most any kind of fruit can be grilled, such as apples, bananas, figs, papaya, peaches, pineapple and plums. Choose fruit that is ripe but still rather firm. This helps keep it from falling apart while being grilled.

Fruit can be split in half for grilling, or for more even cooking, cut the fruit into slices of fairly equal thickness. Sometimes it works better to cut the fruit in slices from top to bottom, such as when grilling pears.

Fruit should be brushed with melted butter or oil before being placed on the grill to prevent it from sticking. Some flavored oils pair well with fruit and produce a unique taste treat.

Once you've placed the fruit on a clean grill, don't wander off. Most fruit has a high sugar content that will cause it to char quickly. It only takes 2 to 5 minutes to cook fruit, depending on the heat of the grill and the thickness of the fruit.

Try This Simple Recipe for Grilled Apples

Cut an apples into slices about 1/4 to 1/2" inch thick, cutting cross-wise.

Brush the apple with butter on both sides.

Sprinkle the slices with a little cinnamon and sugar, then grill the apple until tender.

Savor The Flavor Year Round!

However you decide to try grilling fruit, whether indoors or outdoors, it's a good way to enjoy the healthy benefits of fruit year round. has more information about eating healthy foods like fruits, and making it easier to change to a healthier diet, one bite at a time.

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Fruit Wine Making

When you think of wine making, grapes come to mind. But, not so fast. Other fruits can equally be used to make wine. In the past few years, home wine making has seen a huge increase in popularity and people are making wine with grapes and with other fruits.

The good thing is that making wine from other fruits is the same process as making wine from grapes. There is only a slight difference on the things you lay emphasis on. For example you would have to make adjustments in the sugar content and acid levels when working with other fruits. Since you can make wine from grapes effortlessly, going one or two more extra steps is not a big deal for most wine makers. Those who have made wine from other fruits than grape say it is worth the effort.

The big question is which fruits can you use? The answer is basically any fruit. The popular ones for making wine includes peaches, watermelons, plums, strawberries, blackberries, pears, grapefruits, persimmons, gooseberries, boysenberries and much more. Just like any new experience it would take some practice to fully figure out the best approach to get the wine just the way you like it.

The initial step in making wine from other fruits starts with the same basic principles used when using grapes. You must evaluate the fruit. And always remember that the wine produced is only as good as the fruit it was made from. The take home message here is to pay close attention to the fruit you are using.

When picking your fruits, avoid fruits with excessive number of bruises and or molds. Always make sure that the fruits you use are ripe. Unripe fruits tend to produce wine that is lacking in character. As you already know, before crushing, wash the fruit thoroughly.

Depending on how you like your wine, you might need to dilute the fruit with some water to get the best wine out of it. This is because certain types of fruits are naturally already too strong and would need to be diluted. Others may have an acidity level that is too high which would result in the wine having a very sharp taste. Example of a fruit that would not require any dilution is apple. Actually you can use pure apple juice, as is, without any worries. However, fruits like gooseberries and blueberries must be diluted. They have very high acidity and when used undiluted to make wine, produce wine with that sharp taste.

There is no single right formula on the amount of fruit to use for wine making. However, the amount of fruit you use depends on the outcome you are looking for. If you want to produce wine that is light and crisp, then you should use less fruit, while the opposite applies if you are looking at producing a sweeter and heavier wine such as a dessert wine.

To adjust the sugar level in the fruit you are using for your wine making, a hydrometer comes in handy. A hydrometer is a tool familiar to any winemaker and it is used to determine the level of sugar in the juice, and how much alcohol you could get from those levels. It comes as a tube of glass with a floating weight on one end. You place the tube into the juice and read off the sugar level by how high or low the hydrometer floats in the juice. There is a meter on the hydrometer that will indicate the alcohol potential.

Another thing you would need to monitor is the acidity of the juice. Different juices have different acid level. There are two ways in which you can check the acid levels. One is to use a litmus paper or PH testing strip, while the other method is the use of a titration kit. Using a litmus paper is a very fast and cheap way, but, it is not very accurate. The titration method is a much better way to check acidity and taste, and the results pretty accurate. If for any reason you need to adjust the acidity level, you could use either of three different fruit acids. They are malic acid, citric and tartaric acid, and could be purchased as a blend known as the acid blend.

Alex Amitlar is a Wine Making Enthusiast and author. He lives in Long Island and spends his time teaching others how to set up there on amazing vineyards in their backyard and how to make wine from their own grapes. His latest book, "Growing Grapes and Wine Making: A Beginners Guide," is available at []

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Fruit Nutrition Facts For Better Food Value

We can't say enough about the benefits of fruits to our health. Compared to all the information out there, fruits don't seem to get the credit they deserve.

We often eat fruits because we like them and don't give a second thought to the food value they give us. This is part of the reason why we do not eat enough fruits or enough of a variation. Fruit values differ in the concentration of vitamins, type, as well as minerals and other nutritional sources. For this reason we need to know the fruit nutrition facts in the fruit we eat. Since there are so many choices, we can add others to our diet so that we can have a more complete selection. For additional information on nutritional value in fruits, check other links below.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, fruits contain large amount of fibers. Fibers are an essential part of our daily diets and most of us simply don't get enough of it. Researchers have linked many health issues to lack of dietary fibers, such as colon cancer. Some fruits are better sources of fibers than others so check the fruits you eat to make sure you are getting a good supply of it.

The nutritional value in processed foods has to be clearly labeled in its container, but not for fruits. We need to look for fruit nutrition facts elsewhere to learn this information.

Another source of these wonderful nutrients is found in fruit juices and fruit bars that have been processed to retain the vitamins and minerals. Some of these, like orange juice, are commonly available in our supermarkets, but not all. There are many other less common fruits that are not as easy to find yet contain important nutrients as well. Read the fruit nutrition facts to get a better understanding of these fruit values.

Fruits are also a good source of water. Water is an important nutrient for our body. Many people do not drink enough water and suffer from health issues related to lack of water intake. Some people simply do not like to drink plain water. Many fruits contain a high level of water that adds to our daily water requirements. This is included in the fruit nutrition facts list.

Eating fruits has many other benefits. It serves to curve hunger and keep us away from junk food. When we are hungry and we are far from our regular meal, the urge for eating something may takes us to unhealthy choices. Instead of waiting for this to happen, plan by taking a fruit or two with you. When you start to feel hungry, eat an apple and it may hold you until dinner time. In addition to curing the hunger problem, you are also making a wise decision that will help supply your body with valuable nutrients.

The fruit nutrition fats found in the links provided below can help you understand better the amounts of nutritional value in the fruit of your choice.

Damian Conrad loves healthy fruit. Click here for Fruit Nutrition Facts and Nutrition Information about fruit.

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Fruits and Vegetables For Healthier Eating

Admit it, you know that you should be eating a diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables in order to be healthy. Of all the things you can do to help your overall health, eating more fruits and vegetables would probably be number one - and yet most people still fail to do this! No doubt many think of these as boring, but they don't need to be! Fruits and vegetables are very tasty, very nutritious, affordable, and easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

Fruits and vegetables are also very high in antioxidants, elements which play a vital role in good health. They are thought to help prevent cancer, heart disease, and premature aging. There are also many important trace elements that are important for health that are found in fruits and vegetables. These elements cannot be had by a supplement or vitamin pill; you can only get them from what you eat!

How to Choose the Best

Here are some tips for choosing the best fruits and vegetables for optimum health:

Choose fresh whenever possible. While frozen fruits and vegetables contain many nutrients, there are even more in fresh items. Canned and frozen vegetables and fruits are good when you're buying items that are out of season. They are not as good as fresh but are still very healthy. For canned fruits, avoid those that are packed in syrup and instead opt for those packed in water instead. Different colors of fruits and vegetables signify different nutrients. So, opt for a variety of colors with your items. Yellow and orange items typically are high in beta-carotene and dark, leafy vegetables are high in Vitamin C. Cooking vegetables also typically drains them of their nutrients. Opt for a quick steam with just a slight bit of water rather than boiling. Remember that it doesn't matter how healthy your items are if you drown them in butter or oil! Use just a bit if you must or instead, try seasoning blends.

Serving Sizes Are Important

When you hear that you're supposed to eat five to ten servings of fruits and vegetables every day, just how much is that? Many people are confused by this and often think it's more or less than it really is. Here are a few things to consider when it comes to serving sizes; a serving may mean:

- One medium whole fruit, such as one apple, orange, banana or pear.

- A large slice of watermelon, cantaloupe, or other melon.

- Two whole small fruits, such as kiwi fruit or plums.

- A cup of very small fruits such as grapes, raspberries and other berries.

- A half cup of fruit salad that consists of any variety of items.

- A half cup of canned fruit.

- A quarter cup of any dried fruit.

- A half cup of pure fruit juice of any variety.

- A half cup of any cooked, frozen, or canned vegetables.

- A side salad.

Remember too that you really can't overeat fruits and vegetables, unlike other foods. Rather than trying to limit yourself the way you would with other foods, you can try to incorporate these items into as many meals and dishes as possible. A good way to do this is to plan your meals ahead of time and shop accordingly.

Healthy Living With Fruits and Vegetables

Here are some tips for incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet overall:

- Make sure the refrigerator is always full of healthy vegetables you can eat like celery and carrots.

- Keep a bowl of fruit out on the kitchen or dining room table so it's easily accessible.

- Have pure fruit juice every morning with breakfast.

- Vegetable soup is perfect on a cold winter's day!

- Have a salad every day. If this sounds boring, try different elements such as different types of lettuce as well as items to add in like sprouts, peppers, broccoli, and so on.

- Remember that fresh and even dried fruits make a perfect quick snack.

- When you make a sandwich, add in lettuce, tomato, sprouts, peppers, and any other fruit or vegetable.

- Carrots are great for a garnish if you shred them over a dish.

- Try to include two servings of vegetables at dinnertime no matter what you have to eat.

- A vegetable stir fry can include just about any item, so use your imagination!

- During summer months, make fruit or vegetable kabobs for the grill.

- Bake an apple and sprinkle it with cinnamon for a low-calorie, delicious dessert.

- Bulk up your soups with carrots, onions, peas, cabbage, and anything else you enjoy.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

What You Need To Know About Fruit

What do you reach for when you want a snack or something sweet? Is it fruit? If not, you should consider it. Fruit has a score of health benefits. It provides water, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Eating a good variety of fruits can help keep your body healthy and strong. Here is a list of some of the most common fruits including some of their benefits.


As far as fruit goes, apples are a classic favorite. Whether included in an apple pie, made into apple sauce, or eaten raw, it just wouldn't be autumn without this fruit. Apple is rich in potassium, pectin (fruit fiber), and other vitamins and minerals. The potassium is beneficial to those who experience water loss such as athletes and those with a stomach virus.


The aromatic nature of this fruit gives it a lot of appeal. Many start their day with a cup of orange juice. Its claim to fame is its sunny flavor and vitamin C content. It seems to be the fruit people reach for when they want to boost their immune system. Try including fresh oranges slices on your salads or in your smoothies.


This fruit is rich in potassium and B vitamins, making it a great food for athletes. The high fiber content also promotes regularity. Bananas also make a wonderful addition to smoothies, especially when mixed with strawberries and mangoes. You can also slice them and put them on top of cereal or yogurt.


Strawberries are at their peak flavor in the spring and early summer. This fruit needs to be picked when it is ripe and no sooner. Though strawberries turn red if they are picked while not quite ripe, they don't get any sweeter unless they are still on the vine. Strawberries are great raw, in smoothies, in jams, tarts, and can even be made into wine.

Give yourself variety

To get the most from the health benefits of fruit, include lots of variety. Eating both the standard fruits and other more exotic options can really enhance your health.

Fruit provides detailed information on Fruit, Tropical Fruit, Organic Fruit, Dried Fruit and more. Fruit is affiliated with Gourmet Fruit Gift Baskets.

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